Fixing No Windshield Washer Fluid for $3 [SUBARU Legacy Outback BP9]

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Fixing No Windshield Washer Fluid for $3

The washer fluid in my Outback gradually started to come out only a trickle and eventually it stopped coming out altogether.

After doing some research, I found that the hose is often the cause of failure, so I will replace it. I think it’s the same for BP5 Legacy, so I hope this helps.

insulator clips

To carry out this work, I will need to remove the hood insulator, so at the same time, also need to replace the clip with a new one.


The part# is 90814FC001, and you will need 13 pieces in total.

Washer fluid hoses

I’m going to replace all of those black hoses.

That is connected to the outlet

That is connected to the outlet.


I will replace it with this hose. Cold-resistant tube with an 4mm (inner diam.) x 7mm (outer diam.) (158 yen/m). I bought 3m in case I ran out of wire, but I ended up with quite a bit left over.

I’ll cut it to the same length and replace it.


It’s easy, just plug it in. This time I will replace all the hoses.


The deteriorated rubber broke. The whole thing was so crumbling like this, it looked like it was leaking all over the place.


The washer fluid tank was empty so I refilled it. Now, will the washer fluid come out successfully?


This is the first time I’ve seen washer fluid come out so vigorously! 🙂

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