Enna Skyline – Uphill

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This time I ran on Enna Skyline, so I would like to introduce it.

It is a pass with a total length of about 7km (4.4miles), and the end point is a dead end. Originally, it was planned to make a pass that connects Nasu and Shiobara, but the plan was flozen.

The pavement is generally in good condition, but please note that there are fallen leaves and rocks. Also, be careful of the narrow road and the many blind corners.

There is a gate (The Gate 1) and it will be closed in winter and from 18:00 to 8:00 at the entrance.

From the Gate 1 to the Gate 2 at the end point, run up at a stretch with a height difference of about 1312 ft.

By the way, the other side of the guardrail is a cliff.

I hope you enjoy the video!

One Response

  1. […] you go to the left at this fork, you’ll reach the Enna Road, but the road is closed on the […]

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