SuperTrapp Installation & The Sound Comparison

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I changed the rusty stock muffler of DR250 to SuperTrapp.

I haven’t checked the model year of this DR, but it’s probably from the early 90’s. It’s an old bike, but the engine is in good condition. The mileage is about 25,000km. The rear suspension height can be adjusted and it’s a nice inverted fork on the front.

The aluminum end cap and 6 disks were included.

First of all, I tried to remove the stock muffler, but that bolt was stuck. By the way, the cab is normal.

The installation was done. When I tried the test drive, the torque at low rev was lost. So I tried to figured out which number of discs is the best. I tried from 2 to 6, but low rev torque did not improve.

So I decided to attach an inner silencer made by Nakazawa Revolution Factory (nrf).

It can be made various settings in the order you like, this time I would like to attach it here with 6 disks.

Then the peculiar plosive sound has been reduced and the sound quality has changed to moist. The essential low-rev torque has been revived and is very satisfying.

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