Miyama Dam – Tochigi Prefectural Road 369 Kuroiso Tajima Line

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I introduce Prefectural Road 369 which is about 4.4miles winding road leads to Miyama Dam.

If you go to the left at this fork, you’ll reach the Enna Road, but the road is closed on the way.

Originally, this road leads to Tajima, Minamiaizu Town, but the Ohkawa Forest Road beyond the dam is closed all year round due to a large-scale landslide.

The pavement is in good condition, but the road is not very wide and there are many fallen leaves and blind corners.

There is no lighting in this tunnel, so when you come at night you will be deadly scared.

This dam is one of the few dams built on the Naka River and is one of the largest dams in the Naka River system. It is the largest artificial lake, 248ft high and is intended for water supply and power generation.

Numappara Power Station
Paved road end

My legs are freezing!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video!

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